Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 12

Hello Q Nation!!!
If you would like to subscribe to my blog, please enter your e-mail address in the field at the top of this page. 

What a great week at Serra! We had an amazing Band Invitational on Thursday night and we won our football playoff game vs El Cajon Valley. Have a great week right before break. Four more days to go!!!!!

Please make sure you are referring to our calendar. Throughout the holiday season periodically I will update this page with important dates:

11/11- WINTER Sport Tryouts
11/14- Basketball Cheer Tryouts
11/14-PTO Meeting 630 Media Center
11/16- Governance Meeting: 230 Media Center-ALL Welcome
11/16-Financial Aid Night
11/20-11/24: THANKSGIVING

Financial Aid Night - THIS THURSDAY
The  date is November 16, from 6 PM to 7:30 PM in the Media Center

Please register at See you there

Pathway Feature--PHOTOGRAPHY!!!!!
In the Spring of 2017 students in Mr. Pedersen's photography class entered a photo contest for the Museum of Photographic Arts. The contest was open to K-12 students in Tijuana and San Diego county. Four of Mr. Pedersen's students were selected by a panel of photographers and the curator of the museum to exhibit their photographic art in the Museum from November - February. Not only did they select our students to exhibit but one of our student's work is used as the main image for the entire exhibition on the MOPA website and on the large signs around Balboa park promoting the exhibit. Needless to say we are so proud of the work our kids did. Super cool!!

Check out the video HERE!
Check out the MOPA web page HERE!

Teacher Feature!
Brittney Parrish

In Brittany Parrish's AP Psychology class, students are working in groups to share their slides from a power point presentation on the brain and its functions. A clear purpose for the day is posted and as individual students share their slides, other students are taking notes and asking clarification questions.  Students are owning their learning. 

Want to know everything with Serra Athletics?
Just click the Athletic tab and then click Athletics again or go to the following website

We won our football playoff game! and the Prep Pigskin report showed up to promote us!!! Great job everyone!

Football at 7pm at UC High School--Friday November 17

Field Hockey 3pm on Tuesday November 14 at Serra High vs Patrick Henry

Cross Country CIF Championships at Morley Field all day on Saturday November 18

Tryouts are in full swing this week.

Winter Sports Parent Night Monday Nov. 20th 6pm.  If your son or daughter made a team for winter sports the parent meeting is on Monday. 

Congratulations to our Athletes!

Congratulations to the four Serra Conquistadors for Signing their letter of intent this past Wednesday.  They traveled to Petco Park to the event hosted by Hall of Champions.   Student-athletes from around the county signed a letter of intent to play at the next level.  This is not only a proud day for them but also for the entire family.  Serra High School is very proud of your accomplishment.  Please see picture for left to right: KP Peterson (Field Hockey) – Michigan; April Ranches (Golf) – SDSU; Tim Carlson (Baseball) – Minot State; Larissa Severt (Basketball) – Southeast Missouri

Foundation Meetings/PTO Meetings:
The next Foundation meeting is December 6 at 630 in the Media Center. Foundation help fund projects and items that regular funds cant. It is an amazing group to be a part of and give back to Serra.


PTO just funded a brand new Teachers Lounge! Pictures Coming Soon!! Next PTO Meeting is 11/14 at 630 in the Media Center!


Serra HS ASCEND Students,
We have a change in speakers:  We will have Mrs. Clarissa Wright who is a Histotechnician.  This field is well know within medicine, but perhaps you have not heard of it before.  Here is a wonderful opportunity to learn about this viable research position within medicine that you might be interested in.  Ever wondered who provides the tools to the doctor for the analysis or prognosis of patient conditions ?.  It's within the field of pathology and medicine. You'll want to learn more.  Our original speaker will visit on another date.  

Be sure to be on time and lunch will be served.  Bring your ASCEND application of you have not submitted it already!

Spread the word.... Bring a friend to join ASCEND!

Dress Code
We've been working with our Site Governance Team to update our dress code policy and together we've adopted a policy that we believe values equity for all students.  Over the next week students will receive a printed copy of the new dress code and the dress code will be posted in classrooms.  Full enforcement of the new dress code will go into effect after Thanksgiving break.

The dress code is divided into three sections.  
1. Our Philosophy
2. The Dress Code
3. Enforcement.

In this blog I'm sharing the "Dress Code" and part of the enforcement of it.  If you would like to see the entire document, please check the Serra web page later this week. 

Click HERE for the Dress Code. 

Students who are found to be in violation of the dress code will be given the following three options.  (For a more detailed look at the enforcement piece of the dress code, check the SHS web page later this week.)

o   Students will be asked to put on their own alternative clothing, if already available at school, to be dressed to code for the remainder of the day.  The office will confiscate “out of code” garment until the end of the day.

o   Students will be provided with temporary school clothing to be dressed to code for the remainder of the day. 
 The office will confiscate “out of code” garment until the borrowed garment is returned.

o   If necessary, students’ parents may be called during the school day to bring alternative clothing for the student to wear for the remainder of the day. 

I am very happy and proud to share with you that our very own Serra High School Golden Regiment Marching Band and Color Guard won 1st Place in the 1A Band Class and 1st Place in the 1A Auxiliary (Color Guard) Class this past Saturday at the Chula Vista Invitational Field Tournament at San Ysidro High School. With their streak of outstanding performances over the past couple of weeks. They qualified for SCSBOA 1A Class Championships this Saturday at Warren H.S. in Downey, CA, finishing in 4th place out of twenty-seven (27) bands that were competing for Championships.

We have tutoring available on campus at lunch and after school. Go to Room 902 if you need tutoring. Coming soon we will be linking a master calendar we are working on to get everyones tutoring schedule to advertise. STAY TUNED.

Feature Film Event:
Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope
Resilience is a documentary that delves into the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and a new movement to treat and prevent toxic stress

As the new documentary Resilience reveals, toxic stress can trigger hormones that wreak havoc on the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater risk for disease, homelessness, prison time, and early death. While the broader impacts of poverty worsen the risk, no segment of society is immune. Resilience, however, also chronicles the dawn of a movement that is determined to fight back. Trailblazers in pediatrics, education, and social welfare are using cutting-edge science and field-tested therapies to protect children from the insidious effects of toxic stress—and the dark legacy of a childhood that no child would choose.
"Resilience" is a fascinating documentary that eloquently explains the health-care issues that confront us directly and indirectly on a daily basis. But more than that, "Resilience" gives us the solution to this problem. Rarely do you find a documentary that highlights a problem and gives a solution. It's a film every educator, health-care provider, and lawmaker should see.
Please join us for this powerful film
When:              November 15, 2017   
Where:             Serra High School
Time:               4:30 pm – 6:00 pm (resource fair 3:30 –4:30, movie 4:30 – 6:00)
R.S.V.P.:         619-725-7139 or

Parking--Please talk to you children!
Please remind all students to park in the "south" parking lot.  This is the parking lot that is closest to the bungalows and tennis courts.  The other parking lot is reserved for staff.

Interested in ROTC? Interested in scholarships? Check out this presentation students saw in ROTC and the money for college they can get!

Meeting for Panama, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica trip
Come travel with us and EF tours to Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua this summer. Parent meeting on November 16th at 5:30 in Mrs. Holbrook's room, 403. It is going to be an amazing adventure! Everyone is welcome, students and adults. This will be our third trip using EF Tours and we have been very happy with them. Come and learn about our fabulous trip.

* Not a district or school sponsored trip.

Academic Concerns:
We are not allowing schedule changes unless it is a circumstance such as safety. However when you have a concern that is academics please follow the proper procedure.

1. Contact your child's teacher
2. Set a meeting with the teacher
3. Follow up with the teacher
4. Contact the counselor
5. Contact the Head counselor
6. Contact the VP for your child
7. IF none of these people can resolve the issue and you have exhausted all of these than please feel free to contact me directly at

Thank you.

School Site Council
SSC approved the following items: School Safety Plan, Title 1 Parent Information, Home School Compact, and Budget transfers. If any of these thing interest you please show up to the next SSC Meeting which is November 30th at 230 in the Media Center.

Principal's Coffee:
Principal's Coffee (coffee provided) is this Friday December 1, 2017. Starts promptly at 730 am - 830 am. In addition we will have a afternoon coffee from 430 until 530 with the same information for working parents. We look forward to seeing you!

Did you miss last time??? Well, check it out HERE!

There are lots of great scholarship available to our students.  Click the link below and see if one is right for you!