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What a great week at Serra! We had a great Halloween with amazing costumes. In addition we had so many parents come take a tours of Serra. Any publicity you can give is much appreciated. Also we have a huge band event upcoming this week! Have a great week!
Financial Aid Night - 2nd Reschedule
We hate to do this a second time, but we need to reschedule the Financial Aid Night one more time. The new (and final) date is November 16, from 6PM to 7:30PM in the Media Center.
Dress Code
We've been working with our Site Governance Team to update our dress code policy and together we've adopted a policy that we believe values equity for all students. Over the next week students will receive a printed copy of the new dress code and the dress code will be posted in classrooms. Full enforcement of the new dress code will go into effect after Thanksgiving break.
The dress code is divided into three sections.
1. Our Philosophy
2. The Dress Code
3. Enforcement.
In this blog I'm sharing the "Dress Code" and part of the enforcement of it. If you would like to see the entire document, please check the Serra web page later this week.
Click HERE for the Dress Code.
Students who are found to be in violation of the dress code will be given the following three options. (For a more detailed look at the enforcement piece of the dress code, check the SHS web page later this week.)
Students will be asked to put on their own alternative clothing, if already available at school, to be dressed to code for the remainder of the day. The
office will confiscate “out of code” garment until the end of the day.
Students will be provided with temporary school clothing to be dressed to code for the remainder of the day.
The office
will confiscate “out of code” garment until the borrowed garment is returned.
If necessary, students’ parents may be called during the school day to bring alternative clothing for the student to wear for the remainder of the day.
Marching Band Field Tournament at Serra High School
Come join us for our first annual marching band field tournament on Thursday, November 9th. Twelve marching bands from throughout Southern California will be competing in this field tournament starting at 5 pm. The Navy Band Southwest is also coming to cap off the show before the awards ceremony at 9 pm. The 2017 Serra Invitational Field Tournament: “A Salute to Veteran” will be dedicated to the men and women who have and continue to serve our country through the American Armed Forces. Come see Serra High School Golden Regiment Marching Band and Color Guard perform our show called “Under Construction.” Patrick Henry will be there as well as Mira Mesa’s 200+ member band that performed in the Rose Parade last year. Tickets will be $10.00 for general admission and $7.00 for seniors, students, and active/veteran military members. Children 5 and under will enjoy free admission.
We have tutoring available on campus at lunch and after school. Go to Room 902 if you need tutoring. Coming soon we will be linking a master calendar we are working on to get everyones tutoring schedule to advertise. STAY TUNED.
Feature Film Event:
The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope
Resilience is a documentary that delves into the science of Adverse
Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and a new movement to treat and prevent toxic
As the new
documentary Resilience reveals, toxic stress can trigger hormones that
wreak havoc on the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater
risk for disease, homelessness, prison time, and early death. While the broader
impacts of poverty worsen the risk, no segment of society is immune. Resilience,
however, also chronicles the dawn of a movement that is determined to fight
back. Trailblazers in pediatrics, education, and social welfare are using
cutting-edge science and field-tested therapies to protect children from the
insidious effects of toxic stress—and the dark legacy of a childhood that no
child would choose.
is a fascinating documentary that eloquently explains the health-care issues
that confront us directly and indirectly on a daily basis. But more than that,
"Resilience" gives us the solution to this problem. Rarely do you
find a documentary that highlights a problem and gives a solution. It's a film
every educator, health-care provider, and lawmaker should see.
Please join us for this powerful film
When: November
15, 2017
Where: Serra High School
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm (resource fair 3:30
–4:30, movie 4:30 – 6:00)
R.S.V.P.: 619-725-7139
or lsheldon@sandi.net
Red Ribbon Week
If you walk into the Media Center you will notice a large mural made of poster board on the wall in the shape of a key. This art project was develop by club ELEVATED in honor of Red Ribbon Week (October 23rd-27th). This year's theme is, "Your Future is Key so Stay Drug Free". Last week, club ELEVATED hosted an art activity in the Serra Real Connections Center after school where each student painted a poster about why it's important for them to live a drug-free life style. Following the art activity, all posters were placed together to form a large key.
If you walk into the Media Center you will notice a large mural made of poster board on the wall in the shape of a key. This art project was develop by club ELEVATED in honor of Red Ribbon Week (October 23rd-27th). This year's theme is, "Your Future is Key so Stay Drug Free". Last week, club ELEVATED hosted an art activity in the Serra Real Connections Center after school where each student painted a poster about why it's important for them to live a drug-free life style. Following the art activity, all posters were placed together to form a large key.
Be sure to stop by the Media Center to view ELEVATED's project.
I If any student wants to join Club ELEVATED, we meet every Monday & Thursday during lunch in room 230!
Donation Drive:
The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center is hosting a donation drive at Serra.
The Salvation Army and Serra High School will be hosting a COMMUNITY DONATION DRIVE November 11th and 12th (Saturday and Sunday) from 8 am – 2 pm both days.
Stop by the parking lot at 5156 Santo Road; JUST FOLLOW THE RED DONATION ARROWS.
It’s a great time to CLEAN OUT THOSE CLOSETS AND GARAGES BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS! Drop off your unsold garage sale items too! Do you belong to a church group or civic organization…get the word out and tell a friend! Bring your donations of gently used clothing, shoes, furniture, knick-knacks and other household items - Remember, something you no longer need or use is someone else’s treasure.
Our friendly driver and attendant will assist you and give you a donation receipt. If you have larger items you are unable to bring yourself stop by the parking lot and arrange an afternoon pick-up with the driver!
We’ll see you this Saturday and Sunday at Serra High School on from 8 am – 2 pm.
On Behalf of The Salvation Army, thank you for your continued support and Generosity- Helping those who need our help the most.
PROM: YES! We have our best venue yet! PROM this year will be at the Hilton Torrey Pines and will come slightly earlier than usual on May 19th. Stay tuned for pricing information.Parking
Please remind all students to park in the "south" parking lot. This is the parking lot that is closest to the bungalows and tennis courts. The other parking lot is reserved for staff.
Please make sure you are referring to our calendar. Throughout the holiday season periodically I will update this page with important dates:
11/4- Band and ColorGuard at Mt. Carmel
11/9- Band Tournament at Serra!
11/9-Financial Aid Night
11/11- WINTER Sport Tryouts
11/14- Basketball Cheer Tryouts
11/14-PTO Meeting 630 Media Center
11/16- Governance Meeting: 230 Media Center-ALL Welcome
11/20-11/24: THANKSGIVING
Interested in ROTC? Interested in scholarships? Check out this presentation students saw in ROTC and the money for college they can get!
Meeting for Panama, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica trip
Come travel with us and EF tours to Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua this summer. Parent meeting on November 16th at 5:30 in Mrs. Holbrook's room, 403. It is going to be an amazing adventure! Everyone is welcome, students and adults. This will be our third trip using EF Tours and we have been very happy with them. Come and learn about our fabulous trip.
* Not a district or school sponsored trip.
Teacher Feature!
Denise Litt
Student working on a lab simulating studying ice core samples. Students using proper
lab protection and engaged with helping each other. Step by step instruction provided with support from follow teacher Cecilia Ngou. Teacher walking the class providing academic language support and clarification to students. Purpose posted and students
were eager to share their work.
Alison Middleton
The Mod/Severe department at Serra teamed up to provide a special Halloween Lunch party for the kiddos. The students work hard in the community and in their classes. They really appreciated coming together and having the party. Huge shout out to David Bueno SET, who put together another fabulous enrichment opportunity for the kiddos.
The Mod/Severe department at Serra teamed up to provide a special Halloween Lunch party for the kiddos. The students work hard in the community and in their classes. They really appreciated coming together and having the party. Huge shout out to David Bueno SET, who put together another fabulous enrichment opportunity for the kiddos.
Cross Country SENIOR NIGHT Nov. 7 Race Time - 2:00pm
Golf feature: April Ranches!
This past Tuesday 31 October and today 2 November April Ranches has been competing in the CIF San Diego Sectional Tournament at the Admiral Baker Golf Course. April finished the competition, tied for 8th place out of a field of 108 competitors. Both days April shot an impressive 73 (1 over) for a two day score of 146 which allows her to advance to the next round of CIF competition, the Southern California Regional CIF tournament which will be held on Thursday 9 November 2017 at the Canyon Crest Country Club in Riverside, CA.
Serra Golf Team, friends and families, please CLICK HERE to watch this Fox Sports Prep Insider Report interview with April Ranches after her CIF competition today. Enjoy.!!!The next Foundation meeting is December 6 at 630 in the Media Center. Foundation help fund projects and items that regular funds cant. It is an amazing group to be a part of and give back to Serra.
Just this past month the Foundation did the following:
"We would like to thank the foundation for sponsoring a Special Education Enrichment trip for 17 students to attend Bates Nut Farm Pumpkin patch. The students had a wonderful time and really appreciate the chance to attend !"
--Alison Middleton, SPED TeacherPTO:
PTO just funded a brand new Teachers Lounge! Pictures Coming Soon!! Next PTO Meeting is 11/14 at 630 in the Media Center!
Academic Concerns:
We are not allowing schedule changes unless it is a circumstance such as safety. However when you have a concern that is academic please follow the proper procedure.
1. Contact your child's teacher
2. Set a meeting with the teacher
3. Follow up with the teacher
4. Contact the counselor
5. Contact the Head counselor
6. Contact the VP for your child
7. IF none of these people can resolve the issue and you have exhausted all of these than please feel free to contact me directly at erenfree@sandi.net.
Thank you.
School Site Council
SSC approved the following items: School Safety Plan, Title 1 Parent Information, Home School Compact, and Budget transfers. If any of these thing interest you please show up to the next SSC Meeting which is November 30th at 230 in the Media Center.
Principal's Coffee:
Principal's Coffee (coffee provided) is this Friday December 1, 2017. Starts promptly at 730 am - 830 am. In addition we will have a afternoon coffee from 430 until 530 with the same information for working parents. We look forward to seeing you!
Did you miss last time??? Well, check it out HERE!
There are lots of great scholarship available to our students. Click the link below and see if one is right for you!
Click Here for SCHOLARSHIPS!