Friday, February 2, 2018

Week February 5-9


Hello Q Nation!!!
If you would like to subscribe to my blog, please enter your e-mail address in the field at the top of this page. 

I apologize for missing last week. I had 4 days to allocate Serra budget for next year and employees. It was a very long hour work week.

Principal Coffee was last week and we talked master schedule for next year and budget. You can find the presentation here:

The next meeting is February coffee on February 23 at 730 Am!

Graduation is slated June 12, 2017 at 2 pm (hoping on time). Information as it comes out can be found on the senior year webpage.

We sold less than 170 tickets so another ticket sale day is planned for Thursday, Feb 15 at lunch. Please have your students spread the word. If more tickets are not sold, we will need to cancel some buses and all the parents who want to chaperone won't be able to attend.

Please make sure you are referring to our calendar. 

02/07/2018 - 7:30am to 2:30pm FAFSA Support
02/07/2018 - 11:10am to 11:50am NJROTC Pollywog Brain Brawl
02/07/2018 - 3:30pm to 8:00pm NJROTC Pollywog Brain Brawl
02/07/2018 - 3:30pm to 8:00pm Foundation Meeting
02/08/2018 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm Academic League Match--YES! We have one..Thanks Kacey Caputo!

Teacher Feature! 

--No Picture....

Cecilia Ngo --CHEMISTRY!

....brings valuable feedback for parents of students with an IEP meeting.  She provides specific feedback about each student's performance in her class and easily articulates examples and anecdotes about each one.  Cecilia is able to preview for parents and students where the class is headed as far as curriculum and assignments and overall goals for the next stage of their learning.  She holds high expectations for all students and clearly communicates that she believes in each student.


Students completed in a pool tournament. If was a nail biter! It drew quite a crowd. Check out the photos. Did you know Serra's After school program is the most attending in the district. Our kids have over 30 clubs and more coming based on student wants! Plus its a positive place to hang out after school. In addition field trips happen etc. For more information contact Adrian Vasquez in the front office.! Congrats to the winner Jeffrey Kirby!

Look at one of the clubs Kayaking on a Saturday!


    Yesterday (Thursday), Brother Kenneth Barnes from the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity visited our Band members to present them with their 1st Place Band trophy from the 38th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Parade that we competed in last month. He spoke to them about the importance of community involvement and having a positive outlook on life no matter what their background or prior history. 

PowderPuff Game tonight! 6:00!
Basketball--2/9 vs OLP and Point Loma: Go Serra!
See calendar for other games!

Want to know everything with Serra Athletics?

Just click the Athletic tab and then click Athletics again or go to the following website

San Diego Miramar College is offering 6 workshops in order to help student get priority consideration. Is your child a senior wanting to go to community college? Sign up and get walked through the process with actual miramar admissions so you are ready to go!

Please see the attached

 If you have not started your FAFSA application, please start it during the break.  DO NOT wait until the March 2nd deadline.  The earlier you apply, the better your chances of receiving money.   Please apply even if you don’t think you quality. 
o    The first step is for the student and one parent to apply for a FAFSA ID, if you both have a Social Security Number
§  The next step is to fill out the FAFSA, using parent’s 2016 filed taxes @:
o   If the student has a SSN, but the parent does not, then the student applies for the FAFSA ID, fills out the application and prints out the signature page for the parent to sign and mail in.  Please mail in, via Certified Mail.
o   If the student nor the parent has a SSN, DO NOT fill out the FAFSA.  Instead, fill out the Dream Application: 

There are lots of great scholarship available to our students.  Click the link below and see if one is right for you!

Tours Trip to Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua

Come along with us on this fabulous trip! Everyone is welcome.  It is open to the public, even adults.  We will be leaving once school is out and will be going on a 10 day adventure through these three incredible countries.  For more information, contact Sally Holbrook at or eftours at

*This is a non-school-sponsored trip as defined by the San Diego Unified School District. Serra High School and the District assume no responsibility or liability.  EF Educational Tours assumes all liability for the group. Teacher supervisors are off duty and are not functioning as District employees.  Funding is by private-individual payment.

Inspection was a huge success and the kids worked so hard. Thank you parents for coming out to support them. Pictures coming soon! I was very impressed.

We have tutoring available on campus at lunch and after school. Schedule found here:

San Diego Military Family Collaborative- CPSA coalition ---not just for military

Our next meeting on Thursday the 25th at Farb Middle School.  If you'd like more information about these topics including overall community safety, please consider attending Community Prevention and Safety Alliance meetings held on the fourth Thursday of each month at Farb Middle School from 9:15am-11:15am. This group is part of the San Diego Military Family Collaborative and we encourage all parents and community members to attend!

Did You Know?

·         Counterfeit prescription pills made to look like OxyContin, Xanax, Hydrocodone, Ecstasy/MDMA and other drugs have been seized by law enforcement in San Diego.

·         The counterfeit pills and tablets are identical in appearance to legitimate pills and tablets from a pharmacy.  These counterfeit pills and tablets contain other drugs that have caused overdoses and deaths.

·         People on the streets cannot tell the difference between the real pills/tablets from a pharmacy and the counterfeits ones.

·         Youth and adults have overdosed and died from the counterfeit prescription pills in San Diego.

·         The counterfeit pills have contained fentanyl.  Fentanyl is a very powerful synthetic opioid. Fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine and 30 to 50 times more potent than heroin.

·         The number of overdose deaths in San Diego where fentanyl has been found in toxicology tests in death investigations has almost tripled in one year (from 2016 to 2017).

What is fentanyl?

Public Safety Alert from Drug Enforcement Administration Counterfeit Hydrocodone Tablets Containing Fentanyl (attached)
(April, 2016 alert specific to California)

National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens Prescription Drug Facts

Prescription drug misuse has become a large public health problem, because misuse can lead to addiction, and even overdose deaths. For teens, it is a growing problem:

·         After marijuana and alcohol, prescription drugs are the most commonly misused substances by Americans age 14 and older.

·         Teens misuse prescription drugs for a number of reasons, such as to get high, to stop pain, or because they think it will help them with school work.

·         Many teens get prescription drugs they misuse from friends and relatives, sometimes without the person knowing.

·         Boys and girls tend to misuse some types of prescription drugs for different reasons. For example, boys are more likely to misuse prescription stimulants to get high, while girls tend to misuse them to stay alert or to lose weight.

What Can You Do?
One the most important things you can do in your own home is to make sure you’ve secured painkillers, anti-anxiety and stimulant medication in a safe place and out-of-reach. Many teens say their parent’s or grandparent’s medicine cabinet is where they started abuse.

For more resources visit the San Diego County Prescription Drug Abuse Taskforce

Resources Page

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