Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 15


Hello Q Nation!!!
If you would like to subscribe to my blog, please enter your e-mail address in the field at the top of this page. 

We hope you had a great break. We have some great things going on this week and we are excited to share them.

Please make sure you are referring to our calendar. Throughout the holiday season periodically I will update this page with important dates:

12/4/17: Rachels Challenge, Pearl Harbor Survivor Assembly
12/5/17: Winter Choral Concert (see calendar)
12/6/17: Foundation (630)
12/7/17: Winter Instrumental Concert (see calendar)
12/8/17: No school wide activities

We are electronic now. Grade will be available for view December 8 in the evening. Please check Parent Portal as we will no longer be sending paper copies home. If you have questions please contact your child's counselor. This is a progress report. Report Cards are towards the end of January and those grades are final. Finals are January 23-25.

We have tutoring available on campus at lunch and after school. Schedule found here:

Foundation Meetings/PTO Meetings:

The next Foundation meeting is December 6 at 630 in the Media Center. Foundation help fund projects and items that regular funds cant. It is an amazing group to be a part of and give back to Serra.

ASB: Decorating Contest:

ASB had a door decorating contest and the finalists are below: GREAT JOB!


Ms. Litt

Principal's Coffee:
The next Principals Coffee is January 26th at 730. Missed the last one LAST WEEK? Click here.

 If you have not started your FAFSA application, please start it during the break.  DO NOT wait until the March 2nd deadline.  The earlier you apply, the better your chances of receiving money.   Please apply even if you don’t think you quality. 
o    The first step is for the student and one parent to apply for a FAFSA ID, if you both have a Social Security Number
§  The next step is to fill out the FAFSA, using parent’s 2016 filed taxes @:
o   If the student has a SSN, but the parent does not, then the student applies for the FAFSA ID, fills out the application and prints out the signature page for the parent to sign and mail in.  Please mail in, via Certified Mail.
o   If the student nor the parent has a SSN, DO NOT fill out the FAFSA.  Instead, fill out the Dream Application: 

Letters of Recommendation
Letters of Recommendation are being finished up. Counselors have a data sheet they use to track deadlines. They will get them in on or before the deadline. This applies to any deadline whether early acceptance or not.

Teacher Feature!--Linda Nelson

During the American Historical Voices unit, Linda Nelson's AP English Language and Composition students did an in-dept structural and rhetorical analysis of the Declaration of Independence.  As a culminating activity, each student group wrote their own Declaration of Student Rights, writing and sharing the documents, then revising and editing, all using Google Docs.  The student declarations addressed a variety of topics that were issues important to the students of Serra.  (Topics ranged from equal funding for all sports, off-campus lunch and adopting four-by-four master schedules, and reevaluation of transfer grades from schools outside of the district.)  Once finished, the declarations were printed on resume paper, and each group participated in a signing party similar to the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  The entire project is the APELC common assessment for November.


Want to know everything with Serra Athletics?
Just click the Athletic tab and then click Athletics again or go to the following website


Our goal this year is 2 tons of food to feed the hungry during the holidays.  Nonperishable food items will collected in JROTC (room 417) or any of your student's 1st period classes.

Most Needed Food Items

Canned Chicken & Tuna Dry & Canned Beans Cereal Rice
Nuts & Seeds Peanut Butter Canned Soup Canned & Dried Fruit
Canned Vegetables Powdered Milk Infant Formula
Nutritional Choices
Tuna in Water Low-Sodium Canned Beans
Low-Sugar Whole Grain Cereal
Brown & Wild Rice
Unsalted Almonds
Low-Sodium & Low-Fat Canned Soup
Flax Seeds

No Sugar Added Peanut Butter
Canned Fruit in Water or Juice Low-Sodium & No Salt Added

We are unable to accept:

Glass jars or homemade food products

We need your help!!!--Vandalism on Campus--We are getting close to catching this person Please help!
Last week on the last day of school before break around 430-5 PM this car was driving all over our lawn etc doing damage. Its a white pick up truck. Can you identify this car? If so please contact me at WHITE TRUCK 4 DOOR either no hubcaps or black ones.

In addition around the same time (cant be sure if its the same car/truck as above) someone ran into our Visitor ticket booth. Please see photo. This car would have damage. We know that the rear view brake light was broken and in addition should have a broken mirror on one side and scrapes. If you child came home over the break during the first weekend of it with car damage please contact us as we and local law enforcement are working on this. Please see damage.


Administration in Tierrasanta at the middle schools and high school are involved in what is called a Family Collaborative which is support systems in TS that talk about what community concerns are going on and if these supports can address them. Lately prescription drugs have come up in conversation. 

This is interesting for the following reasons:
1. It doesn't smell (like marijuana)
2. Hard to detect if child in taking them without a prescription
3. Going rate for these pills are a lot so they are a lucrative "business" to get into. Even if they bring 1 pill to school they can make up to 40 dollars on it.....that's a ton of money to a kid so a bottle might not be missing but a pill or two in the bottle could be.
4. They have easy access to these pills in your homes, grandparents homes and friends homes.
5. A child who comes into your house can go through your medicine cabinets and take a pill out so it doesn't have to be your child...its about the access
6. You can be held liable if your child takes pills and distributes them either at a school or in the community and something happens to those kids while high.
7. Pills stay in your system up to 5 days while marijuana stays up to 30 so its hard to catch if you suspect.

1. Please lock up or destroy your pills if unused
2. Preferred pills are Xanax, Narcos, Perocets, and Somas.
3. If you don't know what to do with your pills bring them to the high school and we will dispose of them for you in a manner appropriate.
4. Talk with your children and let us know if Serra Students are involved and email me at so I can support you.
5. If you suspect and want help we have a resources on campus that can drug test your child. Contact us for details. We will help you.!!!!!

WE DO NOT HAVE A DRUG PROBLEM AT SERRA..however if we can do something as simple as locking up or disposing of our unused prescriptions it will help prevent one. We will support you however we can.

Dress Code
We've been working with our Site Governance Team to update our dress code policy and together we've adopted a policy that we believe values equity for all students.  Over the next week students will receive a printed copy of the new dress code and the dress code will be posted in classrooms.  Full enforcement of the new dress code will go into effect after Thanksgiving break.

The dress code is divided into three sections.  
1. Our Philosophy
2. The Dress Code
3. Enforcement.

In this blog I'm sharing the "Dress Code" and part of the enforcement of it.  If you would like to see the entire document, please check the Serra web page later this week. 

Click HERE for the Dress Code. 

Students who are found to be in violation of the dress code will be given the following three options.  (For a more detailed look at the enforcement piece of the dress code, check the SHS web page later this week.)

o   Students will be asked to put on their own alternative clothing, if already available at school, to be dressed to code for the remainder of the day.  The office will confiscate “out of code” garment until the end of the day.

o   Students will be provided with temporary school clothing to be dressed to code for the remainder of the day. 
 The office will confiscate “out of code” garment until the borrowed garment is returned.

o   If necessary, students’ parents may be called during the school day to bring alternative clothing for the student to wear for the remainder of the day. 

Parking--Please talk to you children!
Please remind all students to park in the "south" parking lot.  This is the parking lot that is closest to the bungalows and tennis courts.  The other parking lot is reserved for staff.

Academic Concerns:
We are not allowing schedule changes unless it is a circumstance such as safety. However when you have a concern that is academics please follow the proper procedure.

1. Contact your child's teacher
2. Set a meeting with the teacher
3. Follow up with the teacher
4. Contact the counselor
5. Contact the Head counselor
6. Contact the VP for your child
7. IF none of these people can resolve the issue and you have exhausted all of these than please feel free to contact me directly at

Thank you.

There are lots of great scholarship available to our students.  Click the link below and see if one is right for you!

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