Friday, May 11, 2018

May 14-18: Special Event Edition

Week: MAY 14-18


Spring has Sprung and Summer is near!  Special Event Addition

Serra in the News:

Serra High Student accompany WWII Vets to the National WWII Museum in New Orleans!!!!


Please make sure you are referring to our calendar. 


May 14 2018--AP Testing
May 15 2018--PTO Meeting 630 in the Media Center---We need you there! You have a voice!
May 16 2018--AP Testing
May 18 2018--AP TESTING

Pathway Night--- Students will be presenting their courses and projects related to our 4 pathways. In addition VAPA and all teachers will be on campus to talk about how to end the year strong! Schedule is below.

EXTREME BALL-- STUDENTS WILL BATTLE STAFF!!!! Admission is being lowered to 1 dollar!

PROM: We are so excited!!!!


Senior Events:

Principals Coffee

Principal Coffee was last month and we talked master schedule for next year and budget. You can find the presentation here:

The LAST COFFEE is May 25 at 730!


Dear Serra Families-

Please see the attached flyer for information about the 2018 Summer Robotics Program for Serra military dependent students in grades 9-11. This fantastic, free opportunity will be held July 23-August 4 at dePortola Middle School. 

Sign up is available through a Google form that you can access by typing in the link from the flyer or by clicking here:

Sign-ups are based on lottery and you will be notified in May whether your student has been selected. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions!

CLASS OF 2021 (Current Freshmen Class):

Do you want graduation on the field or at USD????

Dear Serra High Class of 2021 Parents, Guardians and Supporters,

The new Serra High Class of 2021 Parent Boosters will begin raising funds for our Freshmen class, which will benefit them for important senior activities such as GRAD NIGHT, the SENIOR LUNCHEON and the GRADUATION VENUE.

Please see attached letter for further information or click on (or copy & paste) the Boosters website link below:

Thank you!


Want to know everything with Serra Athletics?

Just click the Athletic tab and then click Athletics again or go to the following website


We have tutoring available on campus at lunch and after school. Schedule found here:

There are lots of great scholarship available to our students.  Click the link below and see if one is right for you!

Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23-27

Week: April 23 - 27 2018

What an amazing week! Congrats to all the students who participated in the School Play! It was amazing! Best one I have ever seen. 


Hello Q Nation!!!
If you would like to subscribe to my blog, please enter your e-mail address in the field at the top of this page. Serra High is a safe place for students!

Serra in the News:


Please make sure you are referring to our calendar. 

4/23/18:  Tennis Seeding
4/24/18:  SHS Sideline Cheer Parent meeting 6-730
4/25/18: Community College night--See below for details
4/26/18: Open House at Miramar--see below for details
4/27/18: PRINCIPALS COFFEE--730 AM--see below and Talent Show 6pm Theater!!!!

Principals Coffee

Principal Coffee was last month and we talked master schedule for next year and budget. You can find the presentation here:

The next meeting is April 27 at 730 AM!

April 25th 2018--Community College Night: If you are interested or have registered for a CC class on campus this meeting is mandatory. Students must attend with parents: 6-730 in the Media Center.

Open House at Miramar College 4/26 and Super Saturday 5/5.  The Super Saturday is the last push for seniors planning to attend community college to be included in the priority registration prior to enrollment being opened to the general public.

Come see what amazing pathways we have for students and in addition bid on amazing cakes during our cake auction and finally then transition into student vs staff extreme ball!---5pm-8pm

Tierrasanta Junior Women's Club (TJWC) Scholarship 2018

      -  Graduating FEMALE Seniors from Serra High School
      -  Intend to continue her education at a Trade School, 4-year University, or Community College
      - Minimum GPA: 3.0 (if continuing at community college or 4-year university)
      - No minimum GPA required for trade school
      - Demonstrate an interest in community issues
      - Be in need of financial assistance
      - Applications are available in the Counseling Center
      - Due date:  Friday, April 27, 2018 to Mrs. Bobis in the Counseling Center


Hi All,

I’m excited to announce we’ll be starting yoga at Serra Real Connections in Room 230! We will meet every Wednesday from 2-3 pm.

We’ll emphasize breathing techniques, mindfulness and some physical postures to promote mind-body wellness. Research has shown numerous benefits for teenagers, and all people really, including increased ability to focus, reduction of anxious feeling and stress, and with practice an easier time relaxing. In addition, yoga is wonderful for strength and flexibility.

Students may pick up a consent and liability release form from room 230.  I have attached copies of the flyer, consent and release of liability forms


Dear Serra Families-

Please see the attached flyer for information about the 2018 Summer Robotics Program for Serra military dependent students in grades 9-11. This fantastic, free opportunity will be held July 23-August 4 at dePortola Middle School. 

Sign up is available through a Google form that you can access by typing in the link from the flyer or by clicking here:

Sign-ups are based on lottery and you will be notified in May whether your student has been selected. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions!

CLASS OF 2021 (Current Freshmen Class):

Do you want graduation on the field or at USD????

Dear Serra High Class of 2021 Parents, Guardians and Supporters,

The new Serra High Class of 2021 Parent Boosters will begin raising funds for our Freshmen class, which will benefit them for important senior activities such as GRAD NIGHT, the SENIOR LUNCHEON and the GRADUATION VENUE.

Please see attached letter for further informaton or click on (or copy & paste) the Boosters website link below:

Save the Date:  First Booster meeting open to all Freshmen parents will be held on Wednesday, May 16th at 6pm.  Location TBD.

Thank you!

Pasta for Pennies!
The Board just met with Mr. Watanabe from Pasta for Pennies yesterday. Serra High has participated in this campaign since 2013. In order to turn this into a successful fundraiser, we need your help.

Each of the classrooms (we think around 70) will be receiving a box for collection of funds, a flyer explaining the program, and a goal sheet. The awards to the classrooms are: Bronze flag for $100, Silver for $200 and Gold for $300. The class that collects the most will get a pasta party from Olive Garden.

The dates of the campaign are from April 9-April 29th.

Lets make a strong donation to a good cause of helping those with Leukemia.

PROM: Need a dress go here!

The Princess Project opens tomorrow and I have attached the flyer for your kids to see! They can be the FIRST ONES to book their appointment.  It is for free prom dresses, shoes and accessories for girls and they have 4 locations. The dresses come from Preview, Dave's Bridal, Macy's, etc. and it is by appointment.  Flyer attached. 


Want to know everything with Serra Athletics?

Just click the Athletic tab and then click Athletics again or go to the following website

Graduation is slated June 12, 2018 at 2 pm (hoping on time). Information as it comes out can be found on the senior year webpage.


We have tutoring available on campus at lunch and after school. Schedule found here:

There are lots of great scholarship available to our students.  Click the link below and see if one is right for you!

Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16-20

Week: A great week coming up. Check it out!


Hello Q Nation!!!
If you would like to subscribe to my blog, please enter your e-mail address in the field at the top of this page. Serra High is a safe place for students!

Serra in the News:

Serra High takes Circle of Friends to Padres Game!

April 20th 2018 (this Thursday) ALL DAY SCHOOL WALKOUT/SENIOR DITCH DAY

This walkout is an all day walkout from school. It is for the anniversary of Columbine High School. Seniors have decided its senior ditch day. The latter came before the former.

I understand Senior ditch day is a right of passage however missing a whole day of school has several consequences ranging from missing instruction, not being allowed to make up work, unexcused absence so you have to go to Saturday school and all the things that would happen if you missed any other day please encourage your children to come to school so they don't have to go to Saturday school!


Please make sure you are referring to our calendar. 

"A Piece of my heart" a Spring play by our new Theater teacher Aaron Blokker debuted last week and it was one of the best plays I have ever seen. Please if you have time come and see it. It is so worth it!

SBAC--State testing all week

4/16/18:  Instructional Leadership Team meets
4/17/18: PTO--All Welcome--630 Media Center
4/18/18: Spring Play--Theater 630 doors open
4/19/18: Spring Play
4/20/18: Spring Play 
4/21/18: Baseball 100 Inning Alumni Game

April 25th 2018--Community College Night: If you are interested or have registered for a CC class on campus this meeting is mandatory. Students must attend with parents: 6-730 in the Media Center.

Open House at Miramar College 4/26 and Super Saturday 5/5.  The Super Saturday is the last push for seniors planning to attend community college to be included in the priority registration prior to enrollment being opened to the general public.


Come see what amazing pathways we have for students and in addition bid on amazing cakes during our cake auction and finally then transition into student vs staff extreme ball!---5pm-8pm

Tierrasanta Junior Women's Club (TJWC) Scholarship 2018

      -  Graduating FEMALE Seniors from Serra High School
      -  Intend to continue her education at a Trade School, 4-year University, or Community College
      - Minimum GPA: 3.0 (if continuing at community college or 4-year university)
      - No minimum GPA required for trade school
      - Demonstrate an interest in community issues
      - Be in need of financial assistance
      - Applications are available in the Counseling Center
      - Due date:  Friday, April 27, 2018 to Mrs. Bobis in the Counseling Center


Hi All,

I’m excited to announce we’ll be starting yoga at Serra Real Connections in Room 230! We will meet every Wednesday from 2-3 pm.

We’ll emphasize breathing techniques, mindfulness and some physical postures to promote mind-body wellness. Research has shown numerous benefits for teenagers, and all people really, including increased ability to focus, reduction of anxious feeling and stress, and with practice an easier time relaxing. In addition, yoga is wonderful for strength and flexibility.

Students may pick up a consent and liability release form from room 230.  I have attached copies of the flyer, consent and release of liability forms


Dear Serra Families-

Please see the attached flyer for information about the 2018 Summer Robotics Program for Serra military dependent students in grades 9-11. This fantastic, free opportunity will be held July 23-August 4 at dePortola Middle School. 

Sign up is available through a Google form that you can access by typing in the link from the flyer or by clicking here:

Sign-ups are based on lottery and you will be notified in May whether your student has been selected. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions!

CLASS OF 2021 (Current Freshmen Class):

Do you want graduation on the field or at USD????

Dear Serra High Class of 2021 Parents, Guardians and Supporters,

The new Serra High Class of 2021 Parent Boosters will begin raising funds for our Freshmen class, which will benefit them for important senior activities such as GRAD NIGHT, the SENIOR LUNCHEON and the GRADUATION VENUE.

Please see attached letter for further informaton or click on (or copy & paste) the Boosters website link below:

Save the Date:  First Booster meeting open to all Freshmen parents will be held on Wednesday, May 16th at 6pm.  Location TBD.

Thank you!

Pasta for Pennies!
The Board just met with Mr. Watanabe from Pasta for Pennies yesterday. Serra High has participated in this campaign since 2013. In order to turn this into a successful fundraiser, we need your help.

Each of the classrooms (we think around 70) will be receiving a box for collection of funds, a flyer explaining the program, and a goal sheet. The awards to the classrooms are: Bronze flag for $100, Silver for $200 and Gold for $300. The class that collects the most will get a pasta party from Olive Garden.

The dates of the campaign are from April 9-April 29th.

Lets make a strong donation to a good cause of helping those with Leukemia.

Principals Coffee

Principal Coffee was last month and we talked master schedule for next year and budget. You can find the presentation here:

The next meeting is April 27 at 730 AM!

PROM: Need a dress go here!

The Princess Project opens tomorrow and I have attached the flyer for your kids to see! They can be the FIRST ONES to book their appointment.  It is for free prom dresses, shoes and accessories for girls and they have 4 locations. The dresses come from Preview, Dave's Bridal, Macy's, etc. and it is by appointment.  Flyer attached. 


Want to know everything with Serra Athletics?

Just click the Athletic tab and then click Athletics again or go to the following website

Graduation is slated June 12, 2018 at 2 pm (hoping on time). Information as it comes out can be found on the senior year webpage.


We have tutoring available on campus at lunch and after school. Schedule found here:

There are lots of great scholarship available to our students.  Click the link below and see if one is right for you!

Friday, March 23, 2018

this past week and week after Spring Break April 2-6

Week: This past week and April 2-6


Hello Q Nation!!!
If you would like to subscribe to my blog, please enter your e-mail address in the field at the top of this page. Serra High is a safe place for students!

We have been very busy this week due to the threat on our campus. I will continue to work for this community to make sure our children feel safe! If you ever want one on one face time with me PLEASE either set an appointment or come to my Principals Coffee where you can pretty much ask me anything! My door is always open! Take the break to spend time with your children and relax!

Serra High in the News:
ROTC asked to do color guard at School Board meeting! Great Job!


         We believe strongly in our students.  Recently, they have made clear to us that they believe some form of school safety, more than what we currently have, is needed. WE HEAR YOU!
     April 20 Walkout!--
This walkout is an all day walkout from school. It is for the anniversary of Columbine High School. Seniors have decided it senior ditch day. The latter came before the former.

I understand Senior ditch day is a right of passage however missing a whole day of school has several consequences ranging from missing instruction, not being allowed to make up work, unexcused absence so you have to go to saturday school and all the things that would happen if you missed any other day please encourage your children to come to school so they dont have to go to Saturday school!

As Serra High School's Principal, I am so proud of our students in this moment and am excited for them. As a show of support, some staff will be out there to watch it happen. Students will plan and execute this with the help of adults but this is their time! They will plan it and lead it. Our presence will be present in a supportive fashion. Community members and parents spoken to, agree that this is the best course of action and are excited that Serra is teaching our children proper protocols for demanding action from our national leaders! 


IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES: Quiet week upcoming!

Please make sure you are referring to our calendar. 

No important dates this week! However keep in mind:

4/2/18:  Blood Drive
4/3/18: Nothing
4/4/18:Foundation Meeting at 630 Media Center
4/5/18: Nothing
4/6/18: Nothing
4/7/18: Serra Annual Cheer Clinic


My name is Bob Richards, a member of the Kiwanis Club of Tierrasanta, and the scholarship coordinator for the Kiwanis Foundation of Tierrasanta. Each year I coordinate with the Serra counseling staff (efforts led by Clare Bobis) who works diligently to support our scholarship goals  in distributing scholarship applications to senior students seeking financial aid for education after graduation. This is our 24th sequential year of offering scholarships to Serra graduating seniors and KIWANIS scholarships became available on March 19th and we are hoping for wide distribution of applications within Serra. An article that appeared in the TierraTimes announcing the scholarships is attached for information.

Tierrasanta Junior Women's Club (TJWC) Scholarship 2018

      -  Graduating FEMALE Seniors from Serra High School
      -  Intend to continue her education at a Trade School, 4-year University, or Community College
      - Minimum GPA: 3.0 (if continuing at community college or 4-year university)
      - No minimum GPA required for trade school
      - Demonstrate an interest in community issues
      - Be in need of financial assistance
      - Applications are available in the Counseling Center
      - Due date:  Friday, April 27, 2018 to Mrs. Bobis in the Counseling Center

WANT TO BE A BOSS ONE DAY! --FUTUREBOSS Program--GET A FREE LAPTOP and $$$$$$ if you win

 Submit an application by March 24th, 2018  to become a part
of the 2018 FutureBoss cohort. Participate in a fully-funded
week-long youth entpreneurship competition at the University
of San Diego to develop your entrepreneurial skills, ideas,
and how to translate them into reality.

CLASS OF 2021 (Current Freshmen Class):

Serra High Class of 2021 Parents, Guardians and Supporters,
As the 2017/2018 school year has kicked-off, the Serra High Class of 2021 Boosters will begin raising funds for important senior activities such as GRAD NIGHT, the SENIOR LUNCHEON and the GRADUATION VENUE.
Click on on Boosters link and attached letter for more information.
Pasta for Pennies!
The Board just met with Mr. Watanabe from Pasta for Pennies yesterday. Serra High has participated in this campaign since 2013. In order to turn this into a successful fundraiser, we need your help.

Each of the classrooms (we think around 70) will be receiving a box for collection of funds, a flyer explaining the program, and a goal sheet. The awards to the classrooms are: Bronze flag for $100, Silver for $200 and Gold for $300. The class that collects the most will get a pasta party from Olive Garden.

The dates of the campaign are from April 9-April 29th.

Lets make a strong donation to a good cause of helping those with Leukemia.


ROTC Ball was March 17 and....

Serra Navy JROTRC won the most inspirational school trophy at Saturday night’s Cadet Ball.  Photo attached of our prize winning center piece.

We had a great guest speaker today from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.  Evan Jones, a 2017 Serra graduate and former JROTC C/Command Master Chief, returned to Serra and presented to all JROTC classes today about the aviation program at the Arizona based university.  He is working on a BS degree in aviation with a goal to be a pilot.  It’s so cool to have young men like him come back and share how they are pursuing their dreams while inspiring others.

Principals Coffee

Principal Coffee was TODAY and we talked master schedule for next year and budget. You can find the presentation here:

The next meeting is April 27 at 730 AM!


The Princess Project opens tomorrow and I have attached the flyer for your kids to see! They can be the FIRST ONES to book their appointment.  It is for free prom dresses, shoes and accessories for girls and they have 4 locations. The dresses come from Preview, Dave's Bridal, Macy's, etc. and it is by appointment.  Flyer attached. 


Want to know everything with Serra Athletics?

Just click the Athletic tab and then click Athletics again or go to the following website

Graduation is slated June 12, 2018 at 2 pm (hoping on time). Information as it comes out can be found on the senior year webpage.

We only have 18 left for Grad Night please email Suzanne Carlson at for more information on purchasing.

San Diego Family Collaborative:

Did You Know; E-Cigarettes and Vape Pens

Did You Know...
  • It is ILLEGAL to sell tobacco products or paraphernalia to any person under 21 years of age. Tobacco products include electronic smoking devices, atomizers, vaping tanks or mods, and e-liquids. 
  • Kids who vape are 3 times more likely to smoke cigarettes a year later.
  • More than 8 out of 10 kids who use e-cigarettes said they started with flavors.
  • Chemicals linked with severe respiratory disease have been found in common e-cigarette flavors.
  • Juul e-cigarette devices look like a USB Flash Drive.  Each Juul "pod" contains as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes!
  • There is a risk of electronic vaping devices exploding and causing severe, acute injury to users as well as risk of fires starting.  These consequences can be devastating and life-altering for the victims.
  • Vaping devices can be used to ingest other types of drugs including Synthetic Cannabinoids (Spice), Crystal Methamphetamine, Heroin, Fentanyl, MDMA, Marijuana, Marijuana concentrates and other drugs.
  • CBD Oil can be vaped and also contains THC.  There are reports of Synthetic Cannabinoids (Spice) being falsely sold as CBD Oil.  This has caused significant injury to military service members. 
  • Some vape oils – advertised and unadvertised – may contain cannabidiol (also known as CBD).
  • CBD can be pure or synthetic (man-made) and is a main ingredient in marijuana, a substance that is ILLEGAL for Military Service members to use.
  • The use of CBD is against military policy and is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).


It is ILLEGAL to sell tobacco products or paraphernalia to any person under 21 years of age. Tobacco products include electronic smoking devices, atomizers, vaping tanks or mods, and e-liquids.

Stanford Medicine Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
E-Cigarrettes and Vape Pens

UCSF researchers conclude teenagers that use any form of tobacco, including e-cigarettes, are at a greater risk to smoke cigarettes in the future.  

That’s the conclusion reached by UCSF researchers, who found that using any form of tobacco — including electronic cigarettes, chewing tobacco, water pipes and snuff — makes a teenager more likely to get hooked on conventional cigarettes.

Chemicals linked with severe respiratory disease found in common e-cigarette flavors

Electronic Cigarette Fires and Explosions in the United States 2009 - 2016


We have tutoring available on campus at lunch and after school. Schedule found here:

There are lots of great scholarship available to our students.  Click the link below and see if one is right for you!